Very few tourists who spend vacation in Andalusia will ignore corrida, the most famous local amusement. Corrida is translated from Spanish as “bullfights”. The season of corrida lasts in Andalusia from March to September. At this time about 500 bullfights are carried out. Corrida is usually held in special stadiums on Saturdays, Sundays and local holidays. The biggest in Andalusia corrida arena, Plaza de Los Califas, is located in the city of Cordoba. Bullfights usually start at about 17.00.
On local holidays of Andalusia corrida usually starts from encierro, driving bulls in arena. Encierro attracts not less viewers than bullfights do. A crowd persecuted by enraged bulls runs through narrow enclosed streets to a stadium. You can take part in this extreme heat with other venturous men. But every year lots of people are injured, so think twice.
The main personages of corrida are bull, picador, toreador, banderillero and matador. A performance is started by picador, horse rider with a pike, who angers a bull. Then toreador’s turn ensues. His purpose is to tease the bull with red cloak. After that, three banderilleros attempt to thrust two sharp sticks each on the bull's flanks. The most difficult task of corrida is for matador. He has to kill the bull with only hit of rapier. However, the bull can leave arena alive. It is possible if the public of corrida consider the bull a brave spirit.
Andalusia corrida ensures to matadors and toreadors great popularity. They are always surrounded by a plenty of admirers. Portraits of famous toreadors are on walls of many bars and apartments. However, not all inhabitants of Andalusia are admirers of corrida. Therefore, speaking about corrida you should show tact and delicacy.
Photo is published under the public license: Lady AnnDerground.
Corrida takes place on special arenas, so called bullrings. There are about 70 bullrings in Andalusia. Some of them seat more than 10.000 viewers....
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