Throughout the year a magnificent Andalusian capital of Seville attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world. This city has deservedly achieve epithet "the most", because this is where the most exciting Corrida, the most fiery and passionate Flamenco (a local form of the dance even has a name - Sevilyanes), the largest in Spain (and third in the world) Maria Cathedral de la Sede, and the most grandiose and colorful festivals. Not in vain Andalusians say that only in Seville you can feel the entire depth and versatility of the Spanish character. It is especially noticeable during the annual April Fair (Feria de Abril), which takes place in Seville for more than 160 years.
Officially the Feria de Abril begins two weeks after Easter at midnight on Sunday, but long before that on the southern coast of Guadalquivir are erected huge gates with festive lighting and all the area of the fair is covered with a variety of tents (casetas), an essential attribute of the holiday. To set a casetas at the fairground is a matter of prestige, so you can meet the tents of the most popular restaurants, elite clubs, political parties and trade associations.
On the first day of the festival from early morning until late night are held parades of horsemen and horse-drawn carriages. In the following days of the fair are working numerous attractions, artists hold street performances, people sing, dance and play guitar, try perfect Andalusian wine and traditional local snacks. And, of course, what holiday without bullfighting? At exactly five o'clock everybody go to the Plaza de toros de la Real Maestranza (the oldest arena for a bullfight in Spain) and although after Easter bullfight takes place every day, the most famous torero perform during Feria de abril. The April Fair lasts for a week, at midnight on Sunday after the final salute it is closed until next year.
Rent a room in hotel in Seville or rent a villa in the city during the Feria is not an easy task. Portal gives a possibility to choose accommodation in Seville online in advance.
Date: 19/04/2010
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