Granada in June is one of the loudest and richest in events cities of Andalusia and Spain. In early summer in Granada are held already three holidays, which made the city and the province popular outside Spain. Holidays in Granada in June is a kind of extravaganza, where are intertwined religion and creativity. And, of course, renting of apartments in Granada in June is honorable for any tourist.
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ or the Feria de Corpus Christi is a famous religious holiday, which today has turned into big festivities. Extravaganza of Corpus Christi is celebrated 60 days after the Easter. Usually it is held in early June, but in 2011 due to the late Easter extravaganza will take place from 20 to 26 of June. The central event of the holiday is a religious procession with the Blessed Sacrament, which takes place on Thursday. Fiesta itself begins in Granada on Monday at midnight, when on the city gates are lit thousands of lamps and all over Granada start numerous competitions, concerts and crafts fairs.
In 2011, almost simultaneously with Corpus Christi extravaganza, will be held another highly respected festival, which glorified Granada worldwide. This is International Festival of Music and Dance (Festival Internacional de Música y Danza). This year's festival will begin on June 24 and last until July 12. Flamenco, classical music, contemporary Spanish dance - hot art of Andalusia will unfold in Granada in all its glory.
The season of festivals in Granada is finished by Granada Fiesta Albaicin. This holiday in Granada, in contrast to the Procession of the Body of Christ, is known by its seclusion and smaller scale. It got its name from the small Albaicin district, which is included into the UNESCO World Heritage List due to the unique Muslim medieval buildings. The festival is full of colors and Spanish temperament. During the Fiesta Albaicin guests in Granada can see traditional costumes of Andalusians, which are took out from the trunks in honor of the holiday. Fiesta is celebrated, according the Catholic calendar, on the Day of St. Peter.
Ilya Kalachev
Date: 10/06/2011
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